At one point this image appeared in the video:

I could not help but see the irony in this still image, in relation to the sandwich known in Canada as "Big Crunch" (at KFC Canada, known for its chicken). It appears that the driver got the "Big Crunch", but not the one he was looking for. The sign on the right also advertises "Now Hiring -- Delivery Drivers". Hopefully, he was not trying out for that job.
Further details on this mysterious incident are available at another news source:
Cops probe link in car shooting, car crash.
I did some research on Audi cars of the period 1990-1994 and figured that the model of car involved was an Audi 100 (C4) 1991 - 1994. Some representative photos are available here and here. Apparently, the Audi seen in the picture above was traveling at high speeds (evading police cruisers) sometime after 4:45 a.m. on Wed. 14 March 2012, and was involved in a roll-over before coming to stop on all 4 wheels next to the KFC fast-food restaurant. Something tells me that the driver of this vehicle was one lucky dude to be able to run away from that one! It's also good advertising for the rolling capabilities of an Audi (good old German engineering).
Update, 8 months later
--The two incidents on the night in question were indeed linked, and suspects were apprehended.
Suspects nabbed in smash-up, shooting